The wireless system for vibrotactile communication used in Transmission is fully demonstrated in Good Vibrations. In this interactive lecture and dance performance audience members are invited to participate in giving impulses to the dancers via remote controls. The aim is to reach a kind of dialogue and explore new movement material. Good Vibrations can be performed on it’s own, but is also perfect to combine with Transmission, for example within a festival. It can be performed for regular audiences, but also adapted to give other dancers the opportunity to try out the vibrotactile technique.
Idea and technical innovation: Gun Lund & Lars Persson
Performed by 2-4 dancers
Various stages and spaces
Duration: ca 45 minutes
Trailer: http://vimeo.com/72750527
Performed at Le Regard du Cygne, Paris. Chalmers Institute of Technology, Göteborg. Örebro University, Örebro. Swedish Broadcast Television, Sweden. International Science Festival, Göteborg.